We are happy to be able to provide a CDE certificate of attendance for re-licensure or Adams State College credit for attending the Colorado Health and Physical Education Summit.
When you complete the final evaluation form you will be able to request a certificate of attendance for the time you have attended the summit. https://forms.gle/ipU3RqDBQ81zVnBi9
Participating may choose to apply to earn 1.0 college credit from Adams State for salary advancement.
The cost for one credit is $55 in addition to a $20 instructor fee (non-refundable) for a total of $75. In order to receive credit, proof of attendance for both days, a written essay and two (2) lesson plans will need to be submitted to the Instructor of Record (Due Date: TBD).
The registration link and course materials will be sent out once they are available!
Course Materials
Please contact Shannon Milliken at (shannonmilliken7316@gmail.com or 720-201-6205) if you are interested in obtaining credit or have any additional questions.