Welcome to the Second Annual Colorado Health and Physical Education Summit 2025

This is a free professional development event. The Summit supported and developed by the Colorado Health and Physical Education Council, the council consists of health and physical education district coordinators and other partners from across the state of Colorado. This summit promises inspiration, networking opportunities, and a shared commitment to fostering healthier futures. 

June 4 & 5, 2025 - 8am-4pm
Jefferson High School
2305 Pierce Street
Edgewater, Co., 80214

We are happy to be able to provide a CDE certificate of attendance for re-licensure or Adams State College credit for attending the Colorado Health and Physical Education Summit.

When you complete the final evaluation form you will be able to request a certificate of attendance for the time you have attended the summit. https://forms.gle/ipU3RqDBQ81zVnBi9

Participating may choose to apply to earn 1.0 college credit from Adams State for salary advancement. 

The cost for one credit is $55 in addition to a $20 instructor fee (non-refundable) for a total of $75. In order to receive credit, proof of attendance for both days, a written essay and two (2) lesson plans will need to be submitted to the Instructor of Record (Due Date: TBD). 

The registration link and course materials will be sent out once they are available! 

Course Materials

Please contact Shannon Milliken at (shannonmilliken7316@gmail.com or 720-201-6205) if you are interested in obtaining credit or have any additional questions.

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