Welcome to the Second Annual Colorado Health and Physical Education Summit 2025
This is a free professional development event. The Summit supported and developed by the Colorado Health and Physical Education Council, the council consists of health and physical education district coordinators and other partners from across the state of Colorado. This summit promises inspiration, networking opportunities, and a shared commitment to fostering healthier futures.
Participants will actively participate in a health education session crafted to provide knowledge and skills in an engaging and approachable way, creating an atmosphere that encourages active learning and optimal skill development and understanding. The structure guarantees that all attendees derive value from the content shared, fostering a cooperative and interactive learning experience that ignites curiosity and enthusiasm for health education.
Session Objectives:
Tuesday March 4, 2025 9:00am - 10:20am MST
Classroom #2
Session Description: I will show teachers how I use SEL, Team Collaboration, Leadership and Team building within my school. I will show how I have incorporated striders, skateboards, and fun team building games into my curriculum. I will also show how I collaborate with my teammates to design our fun run, big messy field day, and morning movement/affirmation alley program.
Session Objectives:
To show cross curriculum collaboration.
How to use SEL in your lessons.
Tuesday March 4, 2025 10:30am - 11:50am MST
Classroom #2
Join the presenter, as she takes you on her personal journey and shares the intimate details of how color and privilege have impacted a life of trauma, grief and loss. All examples and experiences are factors that could be considered when planning, implementing, assessing and promoting quality physical education and health education programs. Her story will change the way you see children enter your classrooms, schools and programs. Her story will change the way you show up in conversations and how you engage with other individuals. Her story will make you more compassionate, more empathetic and more aware of how to be more equitable and inclusive and create environments that promote diversity and belonging
Wednesday March 5, 2025 9:00am - 10:20am MST
Classroom #2
Session Description: In this workshop you will get an example of how to run an inclusive Unified Physical Education class with resources when working with student mentors, paras, and co teachers. You will also walk away with activities that my Unified PE class loves to do!
Session Objectives:
Tips for creating a safe and welcoming environment in Unified PE.
Unified PE class vs General Physical Education class
Differentiated Instruction while Co Teaching Unified PE.
Expectations for student mentors, paras, and co teachers in Unified Physical Education class.
Wednesday March 5, 2025 1:30pm - 2:50pm MST
Classroom #2