Welcome to the Second Annual Colorado Health and Physical Education Summit 2025

This is a free professional development event. The Summit supported and developed by the Colorado Health and Physical Education Council, the council consists of health and physical education district coordinators and other partners from across the state of Colorado. This summit promises inspiration, networking opportunities, and a shared commitment to fostering healthier futures. 

June 4 & 5, 2025 - 8am-4pm
Jefferson High School
2305 Pierce Street
Edgewater, Co., 80214

Tuesday March 4, 2025 9:00am - 10:20am MST
Session Description:
Students love playing tag, but do they understand how to chase or flee and how this can be applied to invasion games? We will be looking at 1v1, 1v2, and 2v4 situations and how to succeed through various situations. We'll also dive into measuring heart rate at different grade levels.


1. I can define defining chasing, fleeing, and dodging.

2.  I can find the the Colorado PE standards GLE’s for:

  1. Chasing, Fleeing, and Dodging

  2. Heart Rate

3. I can describe how to break down a unit of study for Chase, Fleeing and Dodging.

Tuesday March 4, 2025 9:00am - 10:20am MST
Main Gym- Full
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