Welcome to the Second Annual Colorado Health and Physical Education Summit 2025

This is a free professional development event. The Summit supported and developed by the Colorado Health and Physical Education Council, the council consists of health and physical education district coordinators and other partners from across the state of Colorado. This summit promises inspiration, networking opportunities, and a shared commitment to fostering healthier futures. 

June 4 & 5, 2025 - 8am-4pm
Jefferson High School
2305 Pierce Street
Edgewater, Co., 80214

Venue: Classroom #3 clear filter
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Wednesday, March 5

10:30am MST

Safety & Supervision in P.E.: Tips for Keeping Students & Teachers Safe
Wednesday March 5, 2025 10:30am - 11:50am MST
Session Description:

This session utilizes case scenarios to focus teacher attention on the critical components of supervising and managing a safe learning environment in movement settings. Through presenter facilitation, and small group conversation teachers will explore their own current safety protocols and weigh those against generally accepted best practices to consider potential areas for improvement. Teachers consider behaviors and strategies that can guard against misunderstandings and potential allegations to protect themselves, and their students.

Session Objectives:
  1. Identify potential hazards and risks associated with various movement activities and use of equipment.  
  2. Implement strategies to minimize the risk of injury.
  3. Foster a culture of safety awareness among students.
  4.  Utilize strategies to protect yourself and students from misunderstandings & potential allegations.

Wednesday March 5, 2025 10:30am - 11:50am MST
Classroom #3
Colorado Health & PE Summit
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